You may feel overwhelmed by the potential consequences of a criminal charge. Government officers and prosecutors are skilled at obtaining a convictions and prison sentences. Attorney McCoppin can offset the government‚ advantage and help you avoid the unfair consequences of a conviction. As a former prosecutor, Attorney McCoppin understands the prosecutors‚ strategies and will prepare your case to defeat them.
Successful Criminal Defense Attorney
For over 22 years, Attorney McCoppin has successfully helped people charged with criminal offenses throughout North Carolina‚ State and Federal Courts. His goals are to keep people out of jail and avoid convictions. His strategy is to prepare every case for trial and force the prosecutor to prove the case to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. A plea bargain is always a last resort.
With so much at risk, you and your family deserve the best legal representation available. Let Attorney McCoppin protect you, your freedom and your record from the government‚ deceptive practices.
Get help from your Raleigh criminal defense attorney today!