Missed Court, FTA, OFA and VL - McCoppin and Associates
Missed Court, FTA, OFA and VL - McCoppin and Associates
If you missed court, the judge will mark your case with a failure to appear (FTA) and the court may issue an order for arrest (OFA) depending upon the seriousness of the offense. Police officers may come to your home or place of work to arrest you. If a police officer stops you on the street or for a traffic violation, the officer will check the state computer network to look for outstanding warrants. If you have an outstanding warrant, you should expect to be arrested sooner or later.
Often, we can get an order for arrest removed and have your case rescheduled.
Usually, the price of hiring us to remove your warrant is much less than the cost of posting bond or hiring a bondsman to get your out of jail. Often, we can save you for the inconvenience and embarrassment of being arrested and having your photograph published in the local paper or the “Slammer”.
To avoid being arrested, contact us today by calling 919-234-5775. Hablamos español.
Missed Traffic Court & VL status= “voluntarily dismissed with leave to reinstate”
If you miss traffic court, the court may issue a warrant for your arrest. Twenty days after your missed court, the court will notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) The DMV will send you a letter stating that you have two months to resolve your traffic ticket or it will suspend your drivers license until you resolve your case. This DMV license suspension is valid as long as the DMV sent a suspension notice to the last address on your DMV record. This license suspension is valid even if you did not receive the DMV notice.
If you wait too long to resolve your traffic violation, the prosecutor will move you case to “VL” status. “VL” status limits your ability to resolve your case. Delay may cause you to lose the right to a trial and force you to plead guilty to resolve the case. We have resolved thousands of traffic violations and would like to help you. Often, we can resolve your old traffic tickets without having you attend court.
To resolve your missed traffic violations and get your driver’s license reinstated, contact us today by calling 919-481-0011. Hablamos español.
Warrants for Arrest (WFA)
If a judge finds probable cause to believe you committed a crime, the judge will issue a warrant for your arrest (WFA). We can check to see if you have any outstanding warrants. If you have an outstanding WFA, we can help you voluntarily surrender yourself to avoid having officer come into your home or place of work to arrest you. Our attorneys will meet you at the jail and explain to the magistrate why you deserve a low bond amount.
To reduce the inconvenience, expense and embarrassment of being arrested, contact us today by calling 919-481-0011. Hablamos español.