Is A Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC) Right For Me?
Raleigh Lawyer for “PJC”
“PJC” stands for Prayer for Judgment Continued. If you plead guilty either directly or as an agreement with the district attorney to plead guilty, or the court finds you guilty at trial, then the judge must enter a judgment in your case.
Depending on the case and your record, the judge may find you guilty but decide not to enter a judgment of guilty. Instead the court can enter a judgment of prayer for judgement continued. That means you still pay court costs but no fines.
A “PJC” is also an order by the court that a driving conviction for a traffic ticket not affect your driver's license points or car insurance points.
How Many PJC's Are Available To An Individual?
Under North Carolina law, the North Carolina DMV will recognize two “PJCs” during any five-year time frame for each individual driver. If the court grants you more than two “PJCs” during any period of five years, then the DMV will give you credit for the first two and disregard the rest. That means if you get a third “PJC” within five years, then the DMV will give you points for that third conviction, even though the judge ordered otherwise.
PJC Affect On Insurance
Each insurance household may use one PJC during any three-year period to avoid an insurance premium increase. An insurance household includes every person covered by your insurance policy.
If one person uses a PJC, then no other person covered by your insurance policy may use a PJC for insurance purposes during the next three years.
If your insurance household uses more than one “PJC” during any three-year period, then your insurance company may give you additional insurance points for each additional “PJC” conviction during any three year period.
Contact Us Before Pleading Guilty!
Any citizen who pleads guilty to a ticket in North Carolina, from a simple moving violation like a speeding ticket to more serious criminal offenses, without first speaking to experienced defense attorneys in wake county who can fight on their behalf has done themself a disservice. If you have already pled guilty it may not be too late; we can still help you with a prayer for judgement.
Every situation is unique. Whether you have a class C or a commercial driver's license, when you hire us, we will get an official copy of your North Carolina DMV driving history to determine if a “PJC” will help you. We will also review your driving record for anything from speed limit violations to more serious infractions for free if you send us a copy. To speak with a traffic ticket violations lawyer in wake county today, contact McCoppin & Associates, Attorneys at Law, P.A., at 919-481-0011.
For speeding tickets and any other type of administrative or moving traffic violations, before pleading guilty, contact us; we look forward to the opportunity to fight for you!